About 24mastering
24Mastering was founded by Mischa van der Heiden (1971) also known as DJ Misjah.
About Misjah
Misjah aka DJ Misjah, Dyewitness, AMbassador amongst other aliases. Misjah is also founder of the infamous Xtrax record label. The name Misjah has been synonymous with quality productions for over 30 years. An innovator, an inspiration and living legend to many.
After producing professionally for more than 19 years Misjah decided to focus solely on mastering in the year 2008 and 24Mastering was born. See full bio below.
My goal is to be one of the best and make 24Mastering known for its outstanding mastering , fast and friendly service, affordable prices and easy online interface.
About Our Studio
The studio was designed and handbuild by myself Misjah himself. That includes all the desks, gear racks, diffusers, and a lot of the audio equipment. Countless modifications were done to the audio equipment along the years. Three completely separate setups for Lacquer Mastering and Direct Metal Mastering enable us to run all simultaneous.
24Mastering is one of very few places that can cut true DSD256 as well as fully analogue from 1/4 Tape to DMM (Direct Metal Mastering). Our analog and digital audio hardware tools are extremely versatile, from subtle and transparent to fat, loud and dirty. See below our high-end audio gear list.
Sontec MES-432C Mastering EQ.
Vacuvox U23M Mastering Compressors
Massenburg GML2030 Dynamic Range Controller (2x)
Knif Vari Mu II
Knif Eksa EQ
Hum Audio LAAL (Look Ahead Analog Limiter)
AudioTales 1951 EQ (custom build)
Maselec MTC-1X Transfer Console
Maselec MTC-2 Transfer Console
Maselec MPL-2 Peak and HF limiter (2x)
Maselec MDS HF limiter
Neumann BSB74 high frequency limiter (custom mod)
Vertigo VSC-2 Quad Discrete Compressor
Foote Control Systems P3S ME Compressor (2x)
Weiss DS1-MK3 hardware
dCS 904 AD DSD converter
Studer A80RC mkII 1/4" Master Tapemachine
Studer A820 1/4"Master Tapemachine
Disk Cutting
Neumann VMS70 cutting lathe (3x)
SAL74C Cutting Amplifiers (2x)
SX74 Cutting head (2x)
SX84 DMM Cutting head
Pitch18 with remain time module for longer/louder cuts (3x)
Audionics Digitally controlled RDL
Audionics A/B path Switcher
RTW 1119E Peak and Correlation Meter (3x)
SME 3012R Tonearm with S2 headshell and Technics 205c-II Cartridge
Studer A80VU mkII 1/4" Preview Master Tapemachine for analog cuts with NextGen Repro cards.
and tricks like:
Options: DSD256 to DMM, Analogue cut from 1/4 Tape to DMM, Locked Grooves, Inside-out cuts (reversed direction) and laser etching.
Monitoring and Routing
Bowers & Wilkins Nautilus 800D Speakers
Bi-Amps by Hexateq Amplifiers
Bespoke Subs (2x)
Z-Sys z-32-32r Digital Router
Z-Sys z-16-16r Digital Router (3x)
Dorrough 380D Digital Loudness Meter
Crookwood VU Meters
Playback / Misc
Horus w premium cards, Merging Technologies
Hapi mkII w premium cards, Merging Technologies
DAD Axion
Prism Sound ADA-8XR (2x)
Weiss AFI1 Interface (2x)
Izotope RX10 Advanced Restauration
Zaolla Silverline Cables
Tascam DA-30 MKII DAT Recorder
Sony 7030 DAT Recorder
Xilica XP-2040
Marantz CD5001
Sonoris DDP player for clients
EMT 9 950 347 Turntable (2x)
24mastering studio photos
Misjah's Biography
His professional career began in 1991 with releases under one of his alias's "Dyewitness". “Observing the earth”, “What would you like to hear”, “The Future” and “The Masterplan” already put his name on the map of dance floor hits forever. They are considered all time rave classics.
After these releases he started his own label. "X-Trax" which was born on December 1994. He produced tracks with some of his friends: DJ Tim and Jeroen (Groovehead, Jeroen Search) Artists such as Ferry Corsten, Umek, and Piet Bervoets (Rank1) also had releases on X-Trax. Classics from this label include:
Trippin' Out,
The Club,
Special Acid Edition
“Access” which made it to the English charts in 1995.
Due to the huge success of X-Trax, Misjah was sought after by such artists like Josh Wink, Jam and Spoon, Reflect, Format One, Finitribe, Denki Groove, etc to produce remixes for them.
He also produced under various artist/project names in different styles of dance music. In 1999 he started another project under the name “AMbassador”. It was under this name that he remixed “Blaze - My Beat”. This remix became a huge club hit and was used in the video clip. It also made it to the English charts.
In December 1999 Misjah stopped doing the A&R for X-Trax and in 2001 started a new label called ReRun and ReRun Booking's DJ Agency.
He released on numerous labels including: Sony, Virgin, East West, Positiva, Low Spirit, Craft Music, Zync, Jericho, etc. Just to name a few. His tracks are being played by many high profile djs as: Adam Beyer, Sven Vath, Carl Cox, Judge Jules, etc.
After 19 years of non stop music production he slowed down in 2008 to focus on mastering work.
24Mastering has become a household name in the mastering and disc cutting industry. Mastering and cutting thousands and thousands of releases for labels big and small worldwide.